Efekt energie Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu ČR

Costs, Benefits and Values of Green Buildings

The professional design study specific to the Czech Republic; which would quantify the differences in the up-front cost and both short and long-term values of new green buildings relative to typical regional practices. Based on the results of our study it seems that developers and owners can afford green projects within typical project budgets and that these projects represent real value for money.

The study provides a reputable comparison of office building valuation between more sustainable ‘green’ building practice and typical Czech practice, to guide the market in the interim period before more green projects are realized, and direct data can be compiled. The overall concept of our study has been to accurately evaluate the actual estimated costs of the construction of a common typology of Green Building relative to the typical local construction means and methods. Recent Czech development can often be divided into its two most prolific categories: basic minimum code compliance and a higher standard of best practice, accepted both here and internationally. It is therefore the two typologies that provide the control relative to third type – the Green Building – for our study.
Each of the designed projects and their respective cost analyses proposes a realistic potential solution as would develop independently to meet a single simple Client Brief, theoretical but in practice common within the current and recent development market of the Czech Republic.
Rok vydání:  2012
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